The rescue involved a family of ducklings stuck down a weir, so it involved getting wet! Unfortunately the ducklings had fallen through the grill and couldn't get back out, so it was up to the wildlife aid team to bring them to safety. If you watch Wildlife SOS this may sound familiar, the series has previously seen Goff struggling through wet, smelly tunnels to rescue them in the past. Now it was my turn....
On arriving at the site we were told filming was not permitted, as much as I would have loved to jump up and down in front of the TV as I made my own appearance it did let off a bit of the pressure. Simon went down into the weir first to inspect the ducklings, they were huddled together down one end desperately calling for mum. Simon explained one volunteer, who didn't mind getting wet, would go down the tunnel with a net to capture them while the others blocked the exit to prevent them running down the second, wetter, longer and darker tunnel. I glanced at Richard, he didn't look keen, so I volunteered myself, it was just a bit of water right?
As I made my way down into the weir I realised the task was much more daunting, the water was only about an inch deep, but it smelt foul and rotten, the floor was slimy, the walls covered in moss, and the tunnel was only about a metre high. But at the end I could see the 6 little ducklings, desperately trying to get out the way they came in without any hope.

Net in hand I started down the tunnel, at first I tried to avoid the water as much as possible. Crawling along on my hands and tiptoes was such a slow and achey process, I eventually gave in and flopped onto my knees, I could feel the foul smelly water soak into my trousers. As I got closer the ducklings started to panic, I could see mum at the top looking down on her babies. I managed to quickly scoop up two babies but the rest dashed past me back down the tunnel.
Simon and Richard were blocking the exit with another net, if they went down the next tunnel the task would become ten times harder. As I made my way back down the tunnel the ducklings again dashed past me, back to the other end. It felt like cat and mouse. Holding the net in one hand, trying to grab very fast little ducklings in the other, you have to be quick! I managed to corner the ducklings again, and again I quickly managed to put two into the net, while the others had run back down the tunnel.

I started slowly back down the tunnel, the net in my hand was now getting heavy, my knees starting to ache as they rubbed on the slimy stone floor. I flopped onto my bum. Ugh! I could feel the water in my pants. Not nice! The ducklings ran back into the corner and I managed to grab one more, just one to go. In its last deperate attempt to escape is dashed towards Simon and Rich who had a trap waiting. It stepped straight into the net! Success! All babies rescued.
We gathered them all up and took them out of the weir, mum following behind us. Back up at the mill pond Rich suggested I release them, seeing as I had rescued them. As I lowered the net they were quickly reunited with mum and they all swam off together. This was the first time I had seen rescued animals being released, and I had been part of it all. It was such an incredible feeling. I felt so proud of what we had done. Even as I stood there, completed soaked, squelchy trainers, moss coated hair and with the stench of a sewer rat, it all felt worthwhile.

I have really enjoyed volunteering with wildlife aid, I have become so passionate about it, to be able to rescue and help animals that most people just take for granted. I have become so much more aware of the wildlife around us that I once just ignored. Whether it be the ducklings on the pond, the owl in the tree, or the pigeon pecking at my feet, they all hold a place close to my heart.

Thanks to Simon and Becky for photo's.