Further examining the board I noticed the cage contained 4 baby mice and 1 vole, and I immediately got to work. On opening the lid I was greeted by an upsetting sight, unfortunately one of the mice had died overnight, but the other three where eagerly scurrying around waiting for their feed. After removing the dead baby I filled a tiny pipette with esbilac and scooped out the first baby. He was so thirsty he completely chewed away the end of the pipette! Feeding baby mice is such a joy, sitting in the palm of your hand they wrap their little toes around the pipette and suckle frantically with their tongues.

Moving onto the second mouse Goff appeared and warned me that one of them did actually bite, but I loved feeding them so much I barely took notice of his warning. I moved onto the third little mouse. He happily started feeding and I let out a little sigh that they had all been so easy. But as I was re-filling the pipette I felt a little nip on my hand, not once, but twice! The little devil! It wasnt enough to hurt, but I did let out a little yelp in suprise!

Next I moved onto the vole, on first inspection he didn't even appear to be in the cage but after rummaging around I discovered him buried in the blanket. I went to scoop him up and he quickly scampered off, he was deifnitely going to be more of a challenge. I finally managed to grab him enclosed within the blanket with just his nose peeking out. I gently persuaded him to feed from the pipette and he soon took to it easily. With his feeding done I decided to clean the cage out as well. I cupped the little vole in my hands while Donna and Mike help set up a new cage. I suddenly felt a nip on my finger and let out little cry. The little monster had drawn blood! But just looking at his adorable furry nose covered in little whiskers I soon forgave him. How could you not love such an adorable baby? From then on each hour I happily fed the little furry babies, you get such enjoyment knowing you are helping to raise such a tiny helpless animal.

As 12pm approached Sally mentioned the hoglets in the orphan room were due for a feed, and myself and Donna quickly volunteered ourselves. At this age their spikes are still relatively soft, so they are easy to handle, they also don't have a fear of humans so they don't roll up into a prickly ball. Instead, cupped in your hand they happily suckle on a soft teat syringe. Their tiny feet gently push against your hand as they feed. They are absolutely adorable. As a child hedgehogs had always been a favourite animal of mine, so to get the opportunity to feed a tiny hoglet is just incredible. It is just so heart warming!

Sounds like they had it out for you today. Hope you've stopped bleeding :p
You are definitely not a real animal lover, because you do not save the poor rats are forced to live in the sewers.