Today I got the opportunity to work alongside Lucy, the veterinary nurse for wildlife aid...
Around 11am a young fox was rushed into the hospital. It had got caught up in wire fencing and chewed through its leg to try and escape. It was in a mess. Its leg was covered with gaping open wounds.
Lucy quickly got to work. She started by gently loosening the skin around the wound, this would allow her to stretch the skin across the laceration. This was such a careful operation as many blood vessels run through the leg. Unfortunately she caught one of these, and the blood started flowing. Lucy quickly clamped the blood vessel and soon the the bleeding slowed and came to a stop. Her fast instincts had helped her quickly take control of the situation.
Lucy carefully pulled together the skin and closed up the wounds with perfect stitches. It looked impossible. The wounds had been so large and their was hardly any skin to pull over the wound, but she had managed it! Watching her work was like watching an artist paint a masterpiece. Her concentration and focus was just incredible. The finished product looked something like a painting by Picasso.
She quickly bandaged up the injured leg and administered some pain relief, now all we can do is wait... Hopefully the fox won't nibble through the stitches and so eventaully will be released with a brand new leg....
Woah! Lucy did a great job. :]