I have now been volunteering at Wildlife Aid for an entire year, so its time to look back on some of my highlights......
When i first started, the hospital was very quiet, during the winter months few patients are admitted, so us volunteers had to find a new way to amuse ourselves...take for example this unsual patient we made up a home for......

A gorgeous lapwing was admitted to the hospital, and I was the lucky person who had to dig up worms for it in the rain! He let out an almighty chirp and began immediately tucking in!

The first orphans of 2010 were Twit and Twoo, two fluffy owlets. It was an incredible experience helping to raise these babies. They were successfully hand reared and then released.
The orphans soon began flooding in, and I immediately stepped up to become an orphan feeder. Holding a tiny fox cub in your arms is one of the most amazing feelings I have ever felt. they are utterly gorgeous.
I had never seen a Little Owl before, so you can imagine my shock when I peered into the cage and this curious face was peering back! This young Little Owl had come in with broken ribs, and his head was twisted in an unusual way. Unfortunately after a month of trying to nurse him back to health he was put to sleep. I had become so attached to him, and it was upsetting news. We did however successfully release 5 more Little Owls that had come in at around the same time.
My first rescue, down in a smelly, wet weir, I successfully managed to rescue 5 little ducklings and reunite them with mum! Ahhhhhh!

Baby mice have become my speciality at Wildlife Aid, tiny furry babies that are impossible not to fall in love with! Unfortunately they are hard to rear to adulthood and since Ive been there only two have made it, but I was thrilled to be given the task of releasing them.
My experience at Wildlife Aid has been amazing, there have been ups and downs but I will always remember the joy my volunteering has given me! =)