I have just returned from South Africa, where I spent three months volunteering at the Shamwari Game Reserve. The experiences I gained were simply irreplacable, I helped with the darting and relocation of the very endangered Cape Mountain Zebra, I got up close and personal with two very gorgeous cheetahs, I watched the elusive leopard stalking her prey, and I learnt about the horrific rhino horn trade.
I can simply not describe just how amazing this experience was. I did things I never thought I would have the opportunity to do. If you have a passion for animals I thoroughly recommend getting yourself out there. Worldwide Experience have some amazing projects. Find them here. You can read more about my own experiences at Shamwari on the Worldwide Experience blog here.
But now I have returned to England I have to get back to the real world...and what better way to do it other than a shift at Wildlife Aid. Yup, this morning I went back to the wildlife hospital and got straight back into it, cleaning out all the little hoggies. Oh how I missed those tiny noses. It was great to get stuck in again and made me realise just how much I missed our very own wildlife. I was even lucky enough to get out on a rescue, where we rushed to the aid of a serverly underweight deer. It was a quick and easy rescue and she was quickly put into the deer shed on a drip.
Now its time for the job hunt. I finally have the experience I desperately needed so hopefully I can find myself that dream job. Ideally in animal rehabilitation or conservation. I have sent out my applications and am eagerly awaiting any replies. Its now over a year since I graduated so hopefully my time will finally come! =D