We wear red noses for comic relief and change peoples lives. Now lets wear animal ears and change animal lives!
Did you know 4th of October was World Animal Day?
Started in 1931 in Florence, Italy, it was a day created to celebrate animal life. It was a day of feast for Francis of Assisi, a nature lover and patron saint of animals and the environment. Many churches would give a blessing to animals on the Sunday closest to October 4th.
Now it has become an opportunity for animal lovers worldwide to celebrate. World Animal Day was launched in the UK in 2003 and organisations, groups, animal shelters, places of worship, schools, clubs and individuals all took part in what has now become an annual event.
Now lets take it one step further!
Put on your animal ears and get fundraising! This is your chance to make an impact and give animals a voice. Whether you want to raise funds for a charity that focuses on animal conservation, welfare or rehabilitation it is up to you!
Charity ideas, don't know which charity to support? Here are some very worthwhile causes:
The Blue Cross: http://www.bluecross.org.u
RSPCA: www.rspca.org.uk
Wildlife Aid:http://wildlifeaid.com/
WWF: http://www.wwf.org.uk/
Born Free:http://www.bornfree.org.uk
Care for the Wild: http://www.careforthewild.
Animals Asia: http://www.animalsasia.org
Wildlife Friends of Thailand: http://www.wfft.org/
WSPA: http://www.wspa-internatio
Wildlife Victoria: http://www.wildlifevictori
Animals Australia: http://www.animalsaustrali
Save the Rhino: http://www.savetherhino.or
Galapagos Conservation Trust: http://www.savegalapagos.o
IFAW: http://www.ifaw.org/
Fundraising ideas, stuck for ideas on how to raise money? Here you go:
Skydive: http://www.skylineparachut
Food donation, donate tins of food to your local animal charity.
Bungee jump: http://www.ukbungee.co.uk/
Run a marathon.
Dog Wash: Wash dogs and raise money!
Car boot sale.
Dog walking.
Sell your own animal arts and crafts.
Host an open day.
Animal themed fancy dress.
Firewalk: http://www.ukfirewalk.com/
Animal Face painting.
Sponsored dog walk.
Fundraising dog/pet show.
Animal kissing booth: A unique version on a kissing booth, kiss a cute animal for charity!
Charity auction.
Pet fashion show.
So make your pledge today and tell us how you are going to make a difference on World Animal Day:
Find out more on the World Animal Day website:
Make sure you spread the word!
Tell your local wildlife charities, invite animal lovers, lets make this a big event!
Join the event on facebook here