I finally got online. Woop! So much has happened I don't know where to begin! So how about I start with the bad news.
Sadly, personal circumstances now mean I cannot volunteer for Wildlife Aid. I will miss all the small furries, especially feeding the tiny mice, squiggles and hoggies. The people were great and I had an absolutely amazing time there. It will definitely not be forgotten! Still, I will not be short of wildlife at the Safari... pheasants, badgers, deer, squirrels, buzzards and much more are a common sight on the grounds and since working at the safari my colleagues have already rescued an injured crow and baby blue tit!
So enough of bad news, what about an adorable photo to lighten the mood?

Did that do it? I thought so! Our 4 naughtly lion cubs are doing well! They all have their own cheeky characters and are great fun to watch frolicing outside.

Sadly, personal circumstances now mean I cannot volunteer for Wildlife Aid. I will miss all the small furries, especially feeding the tiny mice, squiggles and hoggies. The people were great and I had an absolutely amazing time there. It will definitely not be forgotten! Still, I will not be short of wildlife at the Safari... pheasants, badgers, deer, squirrels, buzzards and much more are a common sight on the grounds and since working at the safari my colleagues have already rescued an injured crow and baby blue tit!
So enough of bad news, what about an adorable photo to lighten the mood?
Did that do it? I thought so! Our 4 naughtly lion cubs are doing well! They all have their own cheeky characters and are great fun to watch frolicing outside.