This morning I eagerly rushed to the window and peered out...Woohoo! The weather forecast had been correct....SNOW and lots of it! I ran and pounced on my boyfriend, Jamie, who was still asleep... Wake up! Lets go sledging!.... after a few groans he turned his back to me...its only snow he grumbled. After tugging and pulling for 20 mins he finally peered out the window... and his eyes widened. This wasn't just a sprinkle, this was sledging weather!
We both threw on our wintery clothes, wellies and waterproofs and headed outside. Our first mission... find a suitable sledge! We headed on over to B&M... no sledges... next Argos... sold out... Pound stretcher? Nothing! Agh! Then Jamie had an idea, what about a car tyre inner tube? We headed over to national tyres, but they didnt sell just inner tubes... DAMN! Would we ever get to go sledging? Then we were informed of a tyre shop just round the corner... and hey presto, inner tubes perfect for sledging.
Before we could head off to test our sledges we needed to head back home, Jamie needed to sort out work, he was suppose to be in at 3, but no taxis were running and there was no way my yaris would be able to handle this. So while he was on the phone I decided to go and see what my bunnies thought of this white wonderland.
Heading over to their hutch it was clear they had been out to explore. Bunny footprints everywhere! But they had disappeared inside. I popped my head in the door and grabbed Lenny and popped him outside. A few sniffs and he ran straight back in... definitely not a snow lover!
But what about Twiglet? I scooped her up and popped her outside, after a few sniffs she started bouncing around.... she loved it! I made a couple of snowballs and dropped them infront of her, she would chase them and then dig at them and destroy them. I sat outside with her for a good half an hour playing.
We both threw on our wintery clothes, wellies and waterproofs and headed outside. Our first mission... find a suitable sledge! We headed on over to B&M... no sledges... next Argos... sold out... Pound stretcher? Nothing! Agh! Then Jamie had an idea, what about a car tyre inner tube? We headed over to national tyres, but they didnt sell just inner tubes... DAMN! Would we ever get to go sledging? Then we were informed of a tyre shop just round the corner... and hey presto, inner tubes perfect for sledging.
Before we could head off to test our sledges we needed to head back home, Jamie needed to sort out work, he was suppose to be in at 3, but no taxis were running and there was no way my yaris would be able to handle this. So while he was on the phone I decided to go and see what my bunnies thought of this white wonderland.
Heading over to their hutch it was clear they had been out to explore. Bunny footprints everywhere! But they had disappeared inside. I popped my head in the door and grabbed Lenny and popped him outside. A few sniffs and he ran straight back in... definitely not a snow lover!
But what about Twiglet? I scooped her up and popped her outside, after a few sniffs she started bouncing around.... she loved it! I made a couple of snowballs and dropped them infront of her, she would chase them and then dig at them and destroy them. I sat outside with her for a good half an hour playing.
Jamie finally sorted his work problem and we headed out with our tyres to play. The local park was a great spot, with some steep hills perfect for sledging. When we got there it was already buzzing with activity. Children and adults alike were whizzing down on a range of custom sledges. From snowboards, plastic sheets and dog cage trays, everyone was having fun.
Now it was our turn! We hopped on our tyres and flew down the hill. Yeehaa! The inner tubes worked great. I was a little envious of the kids on sledges who seemed to be going faster though! Our tyres did have an advantage though, whilst the sledges you could only sit on in one position, our tyres you could, sit, lay, kneel, whatever you could think of! It was fantastic fun, and only came to an end when Jamie's lift arrived to take him off to work.