Dairy free chocolate treats

posted by Karra

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Removing dairy from my diet I knew the one food I would immediately struggle to give up.... milk chocolate! I absolutely love it, the way it melts in your mouth, its creamy heavenly goodness.... So when easter came around the huge amount of easter eggs filling the shelves were just trying to tempt me. But I held strong and decided to find an alternative.

A large variety of dark chocolate doesnt actually contain milk, but I've never really enjoyed it. It is always far too bitter, not sweet and creamy enough for me, but I decided to give it another chance and grabbed a couple of bars of Green and Blacks to take into work for easter.

Dark 85%
This one was the first I tried, and it was just as I remembered. Extremely bitter. Whilst one bite was ok, any more and I just found it nasty. I didn't enjoy it at all, and it just made me miss my milk chocolate even more.

I didn't hold out much hope, after trying the first bar I didn't think I'd like any. I was pleasantly surprised. As soon as you put it in your mouth you get a full hit of ginger, then as the chocolate melts it warms on your tongue. It works beautifully with the dark chocolate and takes away that bitter taste. I really enjoyed this and of the three it was my favourite.

Spiced Chilli
I was eager to try this, because it souunded intriguing. When you first put this into your mouth the hint of chilli is very mild, but it builds in your mouth so when you swallow you get the kick of chilli in the back of your throat. I thought it was really tasty, but couldn't manage to eat loads in one go otherwise the chilli would end up too overpowering.

So what did my work colleagues think of them? Well the ginger one disappeared very quickly, it went down very well, and the dark 85% quickly followed. The spiced chilli remained relatively untouched, and I think I ended up being the only one eating it! I don't think people were brave enough to even try it, and got a couple of comments about not liking chilli.... oh well more for me!

Green and Blacks is labelled as 'may contain milk' due to being produced on a line that handles dairy. The actual product does not contain milk but due to a very minimal risk of cross contamination they have to add this label for allergy sufferers.

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