Back to the wild

posted by Karra

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I have been volunteering for Wiltshire Wildlife Hospital for just over 4 months now. Every Monday I will help out at the hospital mucking out the endless amount of hedgehogs that were overwintered. I have also been out on a few visits, a road traffic accident deer, a couple of injured swans, and collected a wounded hedgehog.

I love knowing I make a difference to our wildlife, especially when you get to really see how it helps, when an animal goes back to the wild fit and healthy. Last week I got to do just that, Marilyn asked me to release a buzzard.

The buzzard had been discovered on the side of a busy road after a traffic accident so he had been brought in to the hospital to recover. After a few weeks he was strong and healthy again and was eagerly flying around his pen. He was ready to go back.

Marilyn swiftly popped him in a box and I went on my way with the buzzard destined for freedom. I made my way back to where he was found and drove a little off the main road to a gorgeous green field surrounded by woodland. Perfect.

As soon as I opened the box he easily took to the skies, he found himself a spot on a fence then as soon as he got his bearings he took off again and soared into the woodland in the distance. It really is amazing when you get to witness something so incredible. To know that Marilyn, Mike and the team at the Wildlife Hospital made a difference to this animal.

I look forward to continuing this hard work, and releasing more wildlife back to where they belong.

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