Two years! Can you believe thats how long it has been since I last wrote a post?
Well recently I looked my blog back up again, and it suddely dawned on me that I have a fair amount of spare time again, so why not start it back up? So here I am emerging from extinction!
So, two years is a long time... what has changed?
I was promoted to supervisor of VIP Tours at the Safari - woohoo!! I now manage a small team and all operations involved with the running of the VIP Tours and Safari Bus. I love it! It also means I no longer have to re-apply for my role each season, and I work all year round. This year marked 5 years working at the safari park. 3 years of which have been with the VIP Team. I have never looked back since!
I seem to be venturing further into the West Country. Personal circumstances have meant I have had to relocate from the very edge of Wiltshire, into the very edge of Somerset. It is only a temporary move though - I hope to move back over into Wiltshire after a few months. Living in the West Country has definitely impacted the way I speak. When I now talk about 'being led down' or asking someone 'where are they to?' I know the West Country has got into my system! We won't even discuss the fact that some of my words seemed to have a more pronounced 'arr' to them...eek!
Lenny - I sadly had to say goodbye to my beautiful bunny Lenny recently. After losing the use of his back end I decided the kindest option would be to let him go to rainbow bridge. He will be forever missed, particularly by his partner in crime, Twiglet.
Poppy - 9 months ago I welcomed a new member into the family, Poppy, my crazy over exciteable pooch! She is a husky/staffy/malamute mix, and boy is she a handful! Don't be fooled by those gorgeous good looks, she is a madam! I thought having grown up around Bernese that having my own dog would be easy - boy was I wrong! This over exciteable girl is full of energy! It is harder to walk 1 of her than it is 4 of my mums Bernese! But I woudn't change her for the world. I love her to bits and she makes a great hairy blanket in the evenings!

Im sure a lot more has changed in two years - I could go on! But there is no need to bore you too much!
Well recently I looked my blog back up again, and it suddely dawned on me that I have a fair amount of spare time again, so why not start it back up? So here I am emerging from extinction!
So, two years is a long time... what has changed?
I was promoted to supervisor of VIP Tours at the Safari - woohoo!! I now manage a small team and all operations involved with the running of the VIP Tours and Safari Bus. I love it! It also means I no longer have to re-apply for my role each season, and I work all year round. This year marked 5 years working at the safari park. 3 years of which have been with the VIP Team. I have never looked back since!
I seem to be venturing further into the West Country. Personal circumstances have meant I have had to relocate from the very edge of Wiltshire, into the very edge of Somerset. It is only a temporary move though - I hope to move back over into Wiltshire after a few months. Living in the West Country has definitely impacted the way I speak. When I now talk about 'being led down' or asking someone 'where are they to?' I know the West Country has got into my system! We won't even discuss the fact that some of my words seemed to have a more pronounced 'arr' to them...eek!
Lenny - I sadly had to say goodbye to my beautiful bunny Lenny recently. After losing the use of his back end I decided the kindest option would be to let him go to rainbow bridge. He will be forever missed, particularly by his partner in crime, Twiglet.

Poppy - 9 months ago I welcomed a new member into the family, Poppy, my crazy over exciteable pooch! She is a husky/staffy/malamute mix, and boy is she a handful! Don't be fooled by those gorgeous good looks, she is a madam! I thought having grown up around Bernese that having my own dog would be easy - boy was I wrong! This over exciteable girl is full of energy! It is harder to walk 1 of her than it is 4 of my mums Bernese! But I woudn't change her for the world. I love her to bits and she makes a great hairy blanket in the evenings!

Im sure a lot more has changed in two years - I could go on! But there is no need to bore you too much!