I started volunteering with wildlife aid in September 2009. Since then I have helped foxes, squirrels, pigeons, pheasants, hedgehogs and more. The satisfaction you get when you see an animal develop its strength and finally get released is amazing.
Before working at wildlife aid I never thought I would actually
care for a mere pigeon. But the squabs will chirp at you whenever you walk past, begging to be fed, and it is impossible not to fall in love with them. They are definately the ugliest baby ever, but yet at the same time possibly the cutest.

Pigeons aren't the only animals I have fallen in love with. We had a lapwing in a few weeks ago and I was the lucky one sent outside in the rain to dig up worms for it. I came back in with my little tub of worms completely drenched and caked in mud. I put the worms in a mud filled tray and gave it to the little lapwing. After a couple of minutes eyeing up the tray the lapwing let out an almighty chirp and began tucking in. It actually sounded like he had said thankyou! And it had made my day. Every week after that I was the one who made sure the lapwing got fed, until last week he had finally been released. There was a brief moment of sadness, realizing I wouldnt get to see my little friend again, but the thought I had helped him get back to the wild overcame it and made me feel like I had actually done something worthwhile.

Up until now it has been relatively calm, I have yet to experience the full rush at wildlife aid, and last week was just the start. The orphans included foxes, rabbits, squirrels and owls and although I didnt get the opportunity to see all of them, I did get to feed an owlet. They are the softest and fluffiest animals I have ever seen. And they sit on the table so peacefully its as though they didn't have a care in the world.
Each time I drive through the gate on a Monday morning I get excited and imagine which new animal I will help this time. Working at wildlife aid is a real experience. And as orphan season has started baring its teeth, what has been a relaxed environment is soon going to turn into hectic mayhem.
Love the ominous foreshadowing in the last paragraph; pleasant and light-hearted beginnings giving way to dark, turbulent, times ahead. I'm compelled to read on, and share this journey with you.