I knew Sally had taken the fox cubs home Sunday night, so I eagerly awaited her arrival on the Monday morning. As soon I i saw her appear I rushed into the treatment room and peered into the little box.

Four adorable fluffy faces peered back out (well technically three, one still had its eyes closed). It felt like christmas. The overwelming joy you get from seeing such an adorable animal is amazing. Sara quickly got them out and handed each volunteer a cub to cuddle. As she handed me one I felt my face light up. These cubs are cuter then puppies, and even kittens. With soft fur, fluffy ears and tiny noses its hard not to fall in love.

They have their own distinct smell, which somone likened to 'bovril', but personally its hard to make the connection. Its a smell impossible to describe, but one you will never forget, just like puppies have their own smell at a certain age.
I couldn't peel my eyes away from the adorable babies and found myself simply watching them play in their little bed. I eventually dragged myself away and started to help with the rest of the hospital. First up, force feeding a very angry seagull the most disgusting fishy liquid. It took three of us to hold down one gull, prise open its beak and tube feed it this fowl smelling food.

I then had time to clean just one cage before it was time to feed the cubs, and I was first to jump at the chance to bottle feed these adorable creatures. They are fed a milk substitute that has to be heated to an exact temperature. They are then fed from a babies bottle and they paw at your hand while they suckle. After feeding its important to burp them as feeding from a bottle means they also tka ein a lot of air, a firm rub on the back usually settles this problem. After the feed they quickly snuggle up and sleep peacefully. It hard not to smile as they twitch in their sleep.
Next up for a feed next were the baby squirrels, posibbly the easiest animal to feed as they latch themselves onto a syringe and suckle away. If they still have their eyes shut you need to ensure you toilet them as well, a gentle rub on the bum should encourage this. After feeding they curl up and simple fall asleep in your hand. You really feel as though you are a temporary animal to these little babies.
They are all such i

nnocent creatures, and without wildlife aid they would have no hope of surviving in the wild. I really feel like I am making a difference to them and I recommend volunteering with wildlife aid to anyone who has a love for animals, its a real experience.