So, I am off to Florida tomorrow, and my two kitties and gorgeous bunny have gone to stay with my mum.
It all started out ok, everything was packed, pets in their boxes and apart from the usual whining, it was a normal trip down to my mums.
After about half the journey I peered into Twiglets box to see how she was doing. She was flopped on her side, legs in the air, she was dead.....i frantically bashed the box to see if there was any movement.....but she just layed there. I felt the tears running down my face as I started to panic....she may only be a rabbit, but shes still my baby.
I tried undoing her little box, but while driving along this is very difficult, desperately trying not to swerve all over the place, eventually I managed to get in, I gently stroked her side and she suddenly sprang to life, I felt so relieved! It may seem silly getting so worried and upset about just a rabbit, but she is more than just a rabbit to me, she is part of my family, and when she eventually dies, it will break my heart.
posted by Karra