Chickpea 'omelette' with vegan aioli.

posted by Karra


After making vegan pancakes I started wondering what else I could possibly make without eggs, so I searched for vegan omelettes. I immediately discovered the blog vegan magic, by Adriana, giving a description of various vegan omelettes she made, and boy did it make my mouth water! The recipe came from Andrea on her blog, chocolate and beyond and it looked so easy I decided to give it a go myself.

From Vegan Magic


For the batter:
Soya milk
Chickpea (gram) flour
Curry powder
Nutritional yeast
Salt and pepper.

In a jug blend the batter ingredients together and set aside.
Gently saute the vegetables in oil over a medium heat in a frying pan.
Once veggies are cooked pour over the batter mixture and swirl around to coat pan.
Once firmed up and slightly browned around the edge you can either flip to cook the other side or place under the grill.

It was very easy to put together, I did have a little trouble with cooking though, the underside was very slightly overcooked to ensure the omelette had firmed up all the way through, I think perhaps I made it a little too thick. It was only just lightly over browned though, so still very much edible, and boy was it tasty. It has a very distinct chickpea taste, not much like traditional omelette, but actually even yummier! I made this again for my vegetarian mum and she loved it too. This will definitely become a regular meal.

Edit 23/4/2013: I made this again today but made the batter much thicker (less milk more flour). I then cooked over a low heat and firmed up the top under the grill. No overcooked bottom and it was a little heavier due to the thicker batter which I preferred. Yummy! 

Half way through eating I thought how great this would have been with some aioli, a traditional Spanish garlic dip. I decided to attempt a vegan version.

Vegan aioli
Blend together two parts olive oil to one part soya milk with garlic, a splash of lemon juice, salt and pepper. If you need to thin it out more, add more soya milk, to make it thicker add more oil.
I was really pleased with how this turned out. It was a little creamier than the traditional version, but I actually liked it even more. Perfect with my omelette!


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