Archive for 2012

Foxes under the street light

posted by Karra

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Getting crafty is something I love, and I wanted to venture into making sculptures, however it all seemed very difficult to learn, pottery, clay modelling etc, until I discovered paper mache. It may sound like childs play, but I stumbled across the website The sculptures are incredible and amazingly lifelike. It takes this childs hobby to an incredible new level.

With hints and tips from the site I decided to go for it. I wanted to start simple, creating a 3D picture rather than a full blown sculpture. A fox family under the light of a street lamp.

I started using scrunched up newspaper to form my shapes, and taped them to cardboard with masking tape.

 Next I covered it all over with paper mache, then built up some of the finer details with tissue.
 It was then left to dry in the over.

A final coat of paper mache then 4 coats of 'top layer' the paper mache pase mixed with PVA. It was again dried in the over netween each coat.

After sanding it down so it was nice and smooth it was time for painting. I wanted to do it so it just looked like the outlines of the fox family were highlighted under the street light.

I was very pleased with my final 3D picture, although I found it did slightly crack in places. This may have been due to being impatient and drying it on too high a heat in the oven. Or the top layer did not have enough PVA in it. Well its definitely a learning curve for my next project! I hope to try this bunny.

A buzzards brush with death...

posted by Karra

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Working alongside big cats and wolves you often see them take advantage of our own wildlife. Ive watched the cheetahs catch a pheasant, the wolves steal a squirrel, and the lions munching on badgers that got a little too close.

Now I watched what happened when a buzzard happily pecked at the remnants of the Tigers dinner. Little did it know Soundari was eagerly watching close by and the buzzard had a nasty suprise when she quickly pounced. By some miracle the buzzard managed to get in the air after being flattened, and by an absolute whisker appeared to escape unscathed! Best of all.... I caught it on camera!

Babylons Ark

posted by Karra

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Last month I read The Elephant Whisperer by Lawrence Anthony and found it truly touching so decided to read more of his books.

Babylons Ark is the harrrowing story of the rescue of Baghdad Zoo. After seeing the fate of animals from previous zoos trapped in a warzone, Lawrence Anthony decided not to standby and watch the same thing happen to the animals of the Baghdad zoo. He quickly rushed out to their aid and was shocked at what he discovered. Half starved lions and tigers. Bears too traumatised to even move. The zoo was in a horrific state, with not even a supply of water for the animals.

In the searing heat Lawrence managed to get a group of people together to save the remnants of the zoo. Lugging water in one bucket to the severely dehydrated animals, searching for donkeys to feed the carnivores, all the while a war raged around them.

It really is a must read story, through his strong determination Lawrence carries on where others would have given up. His hope and strength kept his team going, even when it all seemed like it was about to crumble. You can really share his enthusiasm in his account of this adventure and by the end you will be jumping up in determination to do something yourself. The passion with which he tells his story is simply endless, and not only does this go towards the animals that have suffered, but also to the innocent civilians of Irag who have had to endure such torture.

I really recommend picking this book up and reading it. Its such a feel good story, it really makes you think if one man can do so much, then surely I can do something too.

Wild Inspired

posted by Karra

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You may remember in my 'wild to do list' post I wanted to use wildlife as an inspiration for artwork. Well earlier this year I picked up a pencil and pad and started to draw.

From my photograph of Henry the lion I tried to capture his expression, it was as though he appeared watchful and thoughtful.

Original Photo:

My Interpretation:

This is the first sketch I have done in many years, so I still hope to improve as I practice.

Let me know what you think!

Kings of the sky

posted by Karra

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I never really looked up to the skies, but since working in the gorgeous countryside at Longleat I have spotted such a stunning variety of birds and they have really taken to my heart. Now my eyes are always directed upwards, and I have glimpsed something amazing soaring through the air. Birds of Prey. Just wow.

They commonly appear over Longleat, particularly when the big cats are being fed as they quickly swoop down and scavenge any left overs. A regular visitor is the buzzard, the most common bird of prey in the UK, and they are often seen circling overhead in thermals.

The Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo)

A large bird of prey with broad, rounded wings and a short broad tail. Its plumage is typically rich brown, with a paler underside and barred chest. It soars with its wings held in a shallow 'V' shape. It is easily given away with its loud and piercing mewing call.

The buzzard mainly feeds on small mammals, swooping down on its unsuspecting prey from its perch and is an extremely succesful hunter. They reside in arears of woodland and forest and perform incredible aerial displays when attracting a mate.

The kestrel is another gorgeous bird of prey I have managed to get a glimpse of for the first time only recently, and what a priveledge it was, a pair with their fledgling nesting in the trees above the cheetah enclosure.

The Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)

The kestrel is a smaller bird of prey, with pointed wings and a long tail. Its plumage is chestnut brown upper and blue-grey underneath with black barring. It can be found in a number of habitats from heath, to farmland and urban areas.

The kestrel has an amazing ability to hover, keeping its head still, which allows them to pinpoint their prey of small mammals such as mice and voles. They are a common site hovering near roads and motorways.

My favourite among the birds of prey I have seen is definitely the red kite. A stunning and very large specimen is a regular visitor to the lion reserve, and will often swoop dangerously low to snatch the lions meat. I had a very amusing afternoon watching him taunting the lions, as he swooped down they would desperately chase him without luck. Even the lazy male, Niabalo, had a go without success. It is a hysterical sight watching the lions desperately dash around after this king of the sky.

The Red Kite (Milvus milvus)

A magnificent large bird of prey with angled wings and forked tale. The are chetnut red in colour with distinctive white patched under their wings and a pale head.

It is primarily a scavenger, feeding off sheep carrion, however it cannot open up a carcas so usually waits for other scavengers to open it up first. The red kite became extinct throught Englang and Scotland, being confined just to Wales, however a re-introduction programmed saved this amazing bird from the brink.

An emotional story: The elephant whisperer

posted by Karra

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While I acted as the voice of conservation at the Shamwari Game Reserve, South Africa in 2010 I interviewed the incredible author and conservationist, Lawrence Anthony. We discussed his take on the rhino poaching crisis reaching an all time high and you can read the interview here. Sadly this amazing man who has done so much died in March 2012 and so I decided to finally read his amazing books. Starting with The Elephant Whisperer.

It is a tale of real heartbreak, Lawrence takes on a troublesome herd of elephants which have previously destroyed electric fences and broken out of reserves. Now Lawrence is their only hope before they face the final ultimatum. Death. He develops a unique bond with the matriarch and slowly brings them back from the brink. His wife Francois, also plays an important role, giving crucial assistance to ensure smooth running of the thula thula game reserve.

It is a really emotional story,  and it will capture your heart, animal lover or not, and I truly commend what this man has done. His story will have you crying with both tears of laughter and sadness as you follow his amazing journey with these incredible animals. His kind heart and strong head made a real difference to these animals and I thoroughly recommend reading this fantastic story.

Buy The Elephant Whisperer from amazon here and experience his journey for yourself.

An opportunity missed

posted by Karra

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I recently went down to Torquay for a couple of days away, and eagerly jumped at the chance to go on a wildlife cruise. They advertised seeing herons, seals, dolphins, and what I most looked forward to, Peregrine Falcons. As we chatted to the crew they explained the tour passed two active peregrine nest sites both of which they seen earlier in the day. This could be an opportunity to finally tick off one of those sightings on my to-do list.

As we set off I was eagerly scanning the cliff edge and skies, gull..... gull.... gull........ another gull. As time began to tick by my spirits were dropping and as we passed the last nest site I knew today wasnt going to be the day. After two hours all we had seen were gulls, not even a glimpse of a seal. I was gutted, but now the search continues for the incredible peregrine falcon.

Cheetah snaps

posted by Karra

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Its amazing working alongside such incredible animals, including the agile cheetah. Here are just a few snaps I have managed to capture of these stunning animals.

Soaring high and swooping low

posted by Karra

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Nestled in the gorgeous woodland of Andover is the Hawks Conservany Trust. Home to a huge variety of birds of prey and playing a vital role in conservation it is DEFINITELY worth a visit. Me and my boyfriend ventured into this stunning place a while back, and I was in awe. From their amazing flying displays to watching hungry vultures feeding, it is simply amazing.

We arrived bright and early as I was eager to get involved with all the demonstrations and first up was the vulture feed. Watching how these scavengers feed was extremely interesting, with each species having their own methods. We were also treated to a glimpse of the youngster who popped his head out of his nest for a brief moment. My boyfriend has now develoed a rather unusual love for these strange birds!

Next up was the World of Birds of Prey flying demonstration, the way these birds work with their falconeers is so impressive, its like they are in tune with each other and work as one. Watching the Lanner Falcon duck and dive as the falconer pushed its abilities to the limit. We also got to watch the beautiful Great Grey owl gracefully gliding through the air.

Now we had a chance to explore the trust, their are tiny pygmy owls to huge bald eagles, all just as impressive as each other, but what wowed me most was the Great Bustards, opening my eyes to some of the conservation work taking place right here on our doorstep. The Great Bustard in the heaviest flying bird around today and sadly was hunted to extinction in the UK in the 1840's. Now thanks to the reintroduction programme of Great Bustard Group they can be seen in the UK again on the Salisbury Plain.

After a bite to eat and a glimpse around their shop it was time for the Valley of the Eagles and WOW what a show! The sky was filled with a huge variety of incredible, vultures, eagles, kites and more, soaring high and swooping just above the heads of the crowd it is definitely not one to miss!

Now came the opportunity to get really close to one of the birds, a Harris Hawk, which with the temptation of a juicy morsel flew right onto your hand. Very Impressive!

The final demonstration was now upon us, and one which I had most looked forward to, Woodland Owls and Hawks, and I was not disappointed. Just the stunning woodland location was dreamy enough! Watching these birds move so gracefully just over your heads is breathtaking. The striking Eagle owl with its piercing orange eyes was definitely a favourite. My boyfriend was taken by Troy, a tawny owl afraid of heights!

To finish up our day we watched the wild herons come to feed in the meadow. A wonderful end to a beautiful day. Even if your not a lover of birds you will enjoy the Hawks Conservancy, my boyfriend came along just to please me but he came out of it a bird enthusiast, now as we drive through the country he eagerly points out buzzards or red kites circling over head. The Hawks Conservancy Trust is definitely worth a visit!

Nature Inspired Jewellery

posted by Karra

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I love jewellery that has a touch of nature about it, whether its a hand carved lions head pendant, stunning wildlife charm bracelet or a ivy twisted necklace. I think it really captures a glimmer of nature in a person and recently I stumbled upon an absolute gem.

The Blowing in the Wind jewellery collection. Made from real leaves, whether its aspen, lacey oak or birch coated in copper, silver or gold. The leaves are hand picked and put in acid to reveal just the woody veins and then bathed in copper. The final step is to dip the leaf into either 24k gold, sterling silver or iridescent copper leaving a remarkable piece of jewellery.

I discovered these in the Romans Baths shop and chose a stunning iridescent copper oak leaf necklace, a truly remarkable piece of jewellery which really captures the essence of nature.

A wild 'to do' list

posted by Karra

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Reading the article '52 wild things to do' in the January issue of BBC wildlife, I found myself gasping at every page, 'wow, ive always wanted to see a wild otter' and, 'I bet it would be amazing to explore a heathland!' So why not? Instead of admiring.... Let's get out there and do it! So I decided to make my own British wildlife 'to do' list.... A bucket list of the amazing wildlife things I want to do.

Explore a Heath for reptiles
One of the rarest environments in Europe, heathlands are a unique Lowland habitat made up of shrubs such as bracken, gorse and heather. A heathland is the best place to discover reptiles as you can find all 6 species known to Britain living here. The best time of the year to see these critters is during spring when the temperature isn't too hot, they will be more likely to be found in the open basking in the sun.

Glimpse a Peregrine Falcon
I've only ever seen a peregrine once, and to me it could have been anything, a simple spec on the horizon. Now I want to get a real sighting, so I can actually point it out myself. Peregrines are large powerful falcons, it mainly feeds on birds, which it catches in flight. The best time to see these amazing birds of prey is during March/April when they are nesting.

Watch badgers at night
Most people can say they have seen this gorgeous black and white mammal, a quick flash of its bum as it disappears into the undergrowth, but how many of us have actually sat and observed it at night? Joining a local group can be a good way to start (! Or finding a sett during the day and then waiting nearby for it to emerge at night.

Witness the spectacle of glow worms
To spot the eerie glow of this unusual invertebrate would be a unique experience. The females show off their glow in their rear to attract males for breeding. When she has laid her eggs her light will go out and she will die. Take a walk on a warm July evening to spot these glowing spectacles.

Photo by: timo_w2s

Watch a red squirrel foraging
The red squirrel is now elusive in Britain, with it's distinct red colour and tufted ears, it has been pushed to just a few areas where coniferous forests remain. Due to the robust nature of the grey squirrel, which can survive in a larger variety of habitats, the future of the reds will remain uncertain as the greys slowly out compete it. Now is the time to see one, before they are gone for good.

Observe a floodlit swan feed
Watching swans feed may sound ordinary, but watching a huge gathering of swans lit up at night is something else. The WWT often carry out these magical feeds during winter when bewicks swan becomes a resident in Britain.

See Scotland's finest
Some of Britains most stunning scenery can be found in Scotland, and one of these places is the Cairngorms. With beautiful mountains and forest a whole variety of wildlife can be found here, golden eagles, osprey, hen harriers, wild cat, pine marten, mountain hare and Britains only herd of reindeer. Visiting the Cairngorms is a must.

Listen to bats
This may seem like a hopeless venture, in the darkness of night trying to listen to this silent mammal, but grab a bat detector and their world comes to life. AS your eyes adjust you may spot their figure in the night sky, or even the rush pf air as they fly over yout head. Find local bat walks here.

Search for wild otters
Spotting a wild otter has always been a dream of mine, but I have yet to do it! Such a curious creature, and to be able to see them foraging and playing in the wild would be a simply breathtaking moment!

Photo by: mape_s

Get close to the sea
Did you know we has so much wildlife in our own waters? From playful seals, to elegant dolphins, huge basking sharks, the unusual sunfish and possibly even the rare puffin! All these gorgeous animals can be spotted off the coast of Cornwall on a wildlife boat tour.

Use wildlife as inspiration
A leaping fox, or a crooked tree, use nature as an inspiration for artwork. Whether its learning to paint a masterpiece, or a simple sketch, I hope to start brushing up on my artistic skills and learn more about wildlife by using their elegant forms as works of art.

Brush up on bird identification
My bird identifications skills are extremely poor.... no.... absolutely rubbish! The beauty of a graceful owl as it glides through the night, or that of a tiny garden bird as it sings in the morning light.... but what was it? Time to get the binoculars and books out and get closer to our feather friends.

Garden beauty
Time to get more out of the nature in the garden... whether its encouraging birds with a feeder or nest box, frogs and toads with a beautiful garden pond, insects with an array of bright flowers, or even hedgehogs with a little hideaway home. Making the most of what my garden can offer is a must!