Archive for August 2012

Kings of the sky

posted by Karra

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I never really looked up to the skies, but since working in the gorgeous countryside at Longleat I have spotted such a stunning variety of birds and they have really taken to my heart. Now my eyes are always directed upwards, and I have glimpsed something amazing soaring through the air. Birds of Prey. Just wow.

They commonly appear over Longleat, particularly when the big cats are being fed as they quickly swoop down and scavenge any left overs. A regular visitor is the buzzard, the most common bird of prey in the UK, and they are often seen circling overhead in thermals.

The Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo)

A large bird of prey with broad, rounded wings and a short broad tail. Its plumage is typically rich brown, with a paler underside and barred chest. It soars with its wings held in a shallow 'V' shape. It is easily given away with its loud and piercing mewing call.

The buzzard mainly feeds on small mammals, swooping down on its unsuspecting prey from its perch and is an extremely succesful hunter. They reside in arears of woodland and forest and perform incredible aerial displays when attracting a mate.

The kestrel is another gorgeous bird of prey I have managed to get a glimpse of for the first time only recently, and what a priveledge it was, a pair with their fledgling nesting in the trees above the cheetah enclosure.

The Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)

The kestrel is a smaller bird of prey, with pointed wings and a long tail. Its plumage is chestnut brown upper and blue-grey underneath with black barring. It can be found in a number of habitats from heath, to farmland and urban areas.

The kestrel has an amazing ability to hover, keeping its head still, which allows them to pinpoint their prey of small mammals such as mice and voles. They are a common site hovering near roads and motorways.

My favourite among the birds of prey I have seen is definitely the red kite. A stunning and very large specimen is a regular visitor to the lion reserve, and will often swoop dangerously low to snatch the lions meat. I had a very amusing afternoon watching him taunting the lions, as he swooped down they would desperately chase him without luck. Even the lazy male, Niabalo, had a go without success. It is a hysterical sight watching the lions desperately dash around after this king of the sky.

The Red Kite (Milvus milvus)

A magnificent large bird of prey with angled wings and forked tale. The are chetnut red in colour with distinctive white patched under their wings and a pale head.

It is primarily a scavenger, feeding off sheep carrion, however it cannot open up a carcas so usually waits for other scavengers to open it up first. The red kite became extinct throught Englang and Scotland, being confined just to Wales, however a re-introduction programmed saved this amazing bird from the brink.

An emotional story: The elephant whisperer

posted by Karra

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While I acted as the voice of conservation at the Shamwari Game Reserve, South Africa in 2010 I interviewed the incredible author and conservationist, Lawrence Anthony. We discussed his take on the rhino poaching crisis reaching an all time high and you can read the interview here. Sadly this amazing man who has done so much died in March 2012 and so I decided to finally read his amazing books. Starting with The Elephant Whisperer.

It is a tale of real heartbreak, Lawrence takes on a troublesome herd of elephants which have previously destroyed electric fences and broken out of reserves. Now Lawrence is their only hope before they face the final ultimatum. Death. He develops a unique bond with the matriarch and slowly brings them back from the brink. His wife Francois, also plays an important role, giving crucial assistance to ensure smooth running of the thula thula game reserve.

It is a really emotional story,  and it will capture your heart, animal lover or not, and I truly commend what this man has done. His story will have you crying with both tears of laughter and sadness as you follow his amazing journey with these incredible animals. His kind heart and strong head made a real difference to these animals and I thoroughly recommend reading this fantastic story.

Buy The Elephant Whisperer from amazon here and experience his journey for yourself.